Friday, February 28, 2014

Progress Update

Progress Update:

The second scene for the animation is done. I learned to use the different layers to my advantage for the character and a bit in the vehicles. I still need to do a bit of  tweaking on the characters face and when he is walking. However after that I should be able to add sound and do the final render of it. I put some screen shots of the scene below to see.


Friday, February 21, 2014

Progress Update

Progress Update:

 the vehicle is done and imported to After Effects. I've animated the vehicle to move to the side while the character walks on the sidewalk. I've included a few screenshots to show what i've got done.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

walking animation

Progress Update:

Finished the walking Animation for the Character. I have screen caps. to show my progress. Now that I am done with the walking I need to work on the vehicles for the back ground to have more relevance to the animation; However i will still be tweaking the legs for the Character when ever i get the chance.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

walking animation update

the walking is coming along nicely but since presidents day is monday I have to push the date back to Wednesday the 19th

Monday, February 10, 2014

progress update

With the character I imported the files into Abode After Effects to get a feel of where i need to do more tweaking on him. I got the background done, so i don't have to worry about that for the next few days. whats left is to get him moving and his surrounding to change later on.  

Monday, February 3, 2014

Andrew Stover

 Project check in:

      Character w/ Moveable legs, arms, mouths, and eyes.

         The character is done with all the moveable parts that was specified in the outline post earlier. the eyes, arms, legs, and mouths are all moveable parts. Whats next is to get the files into After Effects and start working on the walk cycle for the animation with the parts. My progress is going steady as for now. The next deadline is Feb. 8th. I put screen shots of the character below.